Restoration treatments for men and women with hair loss

by | Mar 10, 2022

For most people, hair is not just about keeping their head warm and for protection from the sun; it is a sign of youth, good health and vitality.


Losing hair at any age can be very confronting, and for many men and women it can be hard to simply shave it off, no matter the speed of which it is being lost.

The good news is there are new and innovative treatments available to replenish and restore hair.

Dr O’Gorman believes that no one should feel uncomfortable about seeking medical treatment for hair loss. “Hair loss is so common but most people are embarrassed or feel ashamed to be seeking help for something that they perceive to be a cosmetic issue only,” says Dr O’Gorman.

Hair loss in men

Hair loss, thinning hair and a receding hairline are very common concerns for men. Some men experience signs of thinning hair before the age of 21, and most will have visible hair loss by the time they reach 50.

While not all hair loss is permanent, men are particularly susceptible to having a genetic predisposition to thinning and balding that typically results in a receding hairline or a bald spot at the crown of the head.

Hair loss in women 

Women experience hair loss differently than men, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less common. Female hair loss can be caused by many reasons including childbirth, menopause, stress and illness.

Women are also prone to genetic hair loss. It can affect women at any age but occurs more commonly after menopause. It usually begins about the age of 30, starts to become noticeable about the age of 40, and is most noticeable after menopause. This includes a receding hairline and balding that may or may not be permanent. In cases where the hair loss is permanent, hair restoration treatments can help reverse the loss and restore the previous look of the hair.

“Hair loss is so common but most people are embarrassed or feel ashamed to be seeking help for something that they perceive is a cosmetic issue only”

— Dr Michael O’Gorman

Hair loss treatments

When hair loss is permanent, the only proven way to restore it is through a hair transplantation procedure called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). 

Dr O’Gorman has invested in NeoGraft® which takes FUE one step further, through automation and robotic technology.

The technology allows hair follicles to be extracted directly from the scalp in their naturally occurring groups of one to three hairs without a strip of the scalp having to be surgically removed. Instead of a scalpel, it uses advanced technology to comfortably extract your own individual hair follicles from areas where terminal hair exists, known as the donor site, and then re-implant them where you need it.

The result is a fuller, natural-looking hairline with no visible scarring and the results are long lasting.

NeoGraft® is one of the most technically advanced hair restoration devices on the market today, and it does more than restore hair loss – it restores confidence. 

What to expect after treatment

After some initial tenderness in the first 2-3 days, most people return to regular activities. The transplanted hair will look natural, grow at the same rate as the surrounding hair, and should last for life. The end result is achieved after 6 to 12 months.

Dr Michael O’Gorman now offers state-of-the-art medical treatments for hair loss, tailored to meet the unique needs of patients. From consultation and assessment, to prescribing of prescriptive medications, to scalp PRP and LED treatments, and to Neograft hair transplantation, we’ve got you covered!

All hair restoration services are from our St Kilda Road rooms and appointments for consultation and assessment can be made online starting from March 2022.