How Botox can make you look slimmer

by | Mar 22, 2022

Most of us are well aware that botulinum toxin (Botox) is highly effective in smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles and can even treat certain medical conditions. But did you know that Botox can help achieve a slimmer face, a longer neck and slimmer legs?


DR MICHAEL O’GORMAN explains the slimming benefits of Botox.

Creating a slimmer jaw with Botox

All the focus over fuller lips and well-defined cheeks in recent years has meant that other areas of the face have had less airtime. The jaw, for example, is arguably one of the most neglected areas of the face even though it is so important when considering overall facial appearance.

Not only can a well-defined jawline suggest youth and vitality, it is the scaffolding for the entire face; ensuring it is defined can help the skin remain lifted for longer, and keep jowls at bay.

Whether it’s a more chiselled or strong looking jawline for men or a delicate and firm jawline for women, a well-defined and contoured jawline can reflect beauty and youth in the subtlest of ways.

For those who have strong and bulky masseter muscles (the muscles used to chew food) the effect is a square-shaped face and a rounded jawline angle. When the muscles are relaxed using botulinum toxin, the face and jawline look slimmer and less rounded.

Costs range from $450 – $1,000 per treatment and generally lasts 6 months.

The jawline can also be improved by treating the platysmal neck muscles, which exert a downwards pull on the face, with botulinum toxin (Nefertiti lift). Excess fat under the chin/jawline and jowls can be treated with fat dissolving injections.


Slimming the shoulders with Botox helps create a longer neckline

The neck and upper back trapezius muscle can be overdeveloped in many patients. This can be due to poor posture, genetics, exercise, or occupation. The overdeveloped trapezius gives the shoulders a shrugged appearance, the neck-shoulder junction becomes more rounded, and the neck appears shorter.

Treating the bulky component of the trapezius muscle with botulinum toxin leads to a more angular neck-shoulder junction and the appearance of a longer neck. Treatments are repeated 3 to 6 monthly, more frequently initially until the desired effect is achieved. The maximum effect of each treatment is reached in approximately 8 weeks.

Costs start at $1,200 per treatment.

“Of course, the approach should be as light-handed as possible to ensure the effect is as natural as possible.”

— Dr Michael O’Gorman


Reducing calf muscles with Botox

Some of us are naturally prone to thicker calf muscles, sometimes due to genetics and other times as a result of lots of physical exercise or too frequent use of high heels.

When injected into the gastrocnemius muscle, Botox can be used to slim down calf muscles. 

The gastrocnemius muscle is the most superficial calf muscle that is responsible for the bulkiness and definition of the calf. Botox causes this muscle to relax and, creating a slimmer appearance in the leg.

This procedure only affects a small proportion of the outer muscle fibres, meaning it does not restrict normal calf function, nor does it negatively affect your ability to walk or run.

Treatments are intially 3 monthly. After approx 3 treatments, the maintenance stage is reached which requires treatments every 9-12 months. Changes will not become noticeable until after the 2nd treatment. A 2cm reduction in the calf dimensions can be achieved.

Costs start at $1,200 per treatment.


Therapeutic benefits of Botox

There are also many therapeutic benefits of Botox. From headaches to excess sweating and jaw pain, Botox can offer relief from a range of medical conditions.